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Cream Legbar

The Cream Legbar is medium-sized largefowl that is the most famous autosexing breed. They lay beautiful blue eggs (with some variation of green hue acceptable) and have beautiful feather crests on their head.

Breed History

Cream Legbars first made their way to the US in 2012 from originally being created in Great Britain, around the late 1940s. This breed quickly became popular due to their auto-sexing trait which allows chicks to be sexed at hatch. Cream Legbars lay primarily blue to shades of green. While the breed is currently not accepted by the APA, there is push to add this breed. The Cream Legbar Club was formed to help adopt the breed and formulate a breed standard based on the British standard. Legbars have crests on their head that fall back from the eyes. They have a small single comb and barring pattern. The male ideal color should be primarily cream and gray, with limited chestnut coming through in certain aspects of the bird. Females should have salmon colored breasts but otherwise primarily silver-gray and cream in their other features. Many hatchery stock Cream Legbar have too much chestnut coloring throughout what the standard calls for.

Breed Highlights

Eggs per Year


Egg Color


Egg Size


Bird Size



Docile and friendly


Extremely Unlikely

Sexable at Hatch


Cold Tolerance


Heat Tolerance


American Poultry Association (APA) Recognized


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