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  • Why buy from us?
    There are many places you can purchase chicks from, but not every place is equal in the quality, care, and reason for being apart of the chicken world! No, our chicks are not as cheap as the large hatcheries and feed stores that they supply chicks to. But there is a significant difference in the quality, care, and reason between us and the large hatcheries. The hatcheries main goal is to breed as many chicks as possible to make the most profit, with no thought into the quality of the breed or care the birds are receiving. Please navigate over to our "About Us" page to read more on our reason, quality, and care that makes us stand out from the rest and ensures you are getting the best quality of chickens.
  • Do you vaccinate chicks?
    We vaccinate all chicks at hatch for Marek's disease. All of our chick prices reflect the additional cost of vaccinating our chicks with this vaccine. If you do not want your chicks vaccinated, you can notify us of this preference at the time of checkout. Our farm prides itself on providing a healthy and clean breeding flock. As an NPIP participant, our farm follows an approved strict biosecurity plan to ensure our flocks do not carry or obtain any life-threatening diseases or illnesses. All of our birds have been tested for Salmonella Pullorum and Avian Influenza every year to maintain our NPIP certification.
  • Do you sex chicks?
    We offer two categories of breeds for customers: straight run and auto-sex/sex-linked. All straight run breeds are not sexed. The auto-sexing breeds and sex-linked hybrids we offer are sexed at hatch and sold accordingly by their sex. You can read more about the definitions and our terms for these on the terms page here.
  • Do you take back roosters or any birds?
    We understand that many backyard chicken owners cannot keep roosters. This is why we are happy to offer a variety of auto-sexing/sex-linked breeds for customers who want guaranteed female chicks. We cannot accept any birds back onto our farm for any reason. This is due to our strict biosecurity protocols to keep our breeding flocks safe from inadvertently transferring viruses or diseases.
  • What states do you ship to?
    We ship to all states in the U.S. EXCEPT for: Alaska Hawaii Kentucky Minnesota Mississippi Missouri North Dakota Texas
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